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View Menu

The view menu contains commands to control the visual appearance of the current document.

The settings used in new documents can be changed in the Defaults Preferences Panel


The Zoom menu allows you to increase or decrease the visible size of the objects. It doesn't make any changes to the objects themselves, just your view of them.

Zoom 100%, Zoom 75%, Zoom 50%, Zoom 25%

These commands zoom the canvas to the specified zoom factor

Zoom Area

This command displays a cross hair cusor which you use to drag out an area on the canvas. The canvas zoom factor will then be set so that the entire zoom area fits within the window

Zoom to fit

Change the zoom factor so that all of the objects on the canvas fit in the window without scrolling

Zoom In

Increase the zoom factor by 5%

Zoom Out

Decrease the zoom factor by 5%

Show Page Boundaries

SQLEditor can draw a blue line where the approximate edge of the page will be if the document is printed using the current printer settings

Show Field Types

Set whether the SQL type of fields is drawn.

Show Field Icons

Set whether the informational icons are drawn on fields.

Snap To Grid

Set whether table locations are constrained to the page grid.

This applies when dragging objects

Auto Size Tables

Set whether tables are automatically resized to accomodate their contents.

Resizing may occur when table or field options are changed in order to display all required information and icons

Show All Objects

Set any objects previously hidden to be visible

Toggle Label Visibility

Make hidden labels (and their objects) to be visible, while making visible labels (and their objects) hidden.